
Welcome! This blog serves two functions: 1) as a learning lab and launchpad for our upcoming series Munchen, Minnesota, scheduled for debut in April 2014 (You can read more about the series here); and 2) as a place for two neurotic Gen Xers to jabber about placemaking in supernatural fiction, what we’re reading,  TV, and other assorted weirdness. Here is a little about us….


*I look older and sadder now

*I look older and sadder now

Christine Borne was a 2012 recipient of the Creative Workforce Fellowship, a program of Cuyahoga Arts and Culture. She has worked as a YA librarian, a project archivist at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum, and an independent bookseller. Christine is a big fan of wiener dogs, cemeteries, and Rick Steves, and is currently working on a YA novel about Krampus. Find her online at christineborne.net.




*Dreaming of Munchen

*Dreaming of Munchen

Justin Glanville grew up in suburban Cleveland, reading the fantasy-horror books of John Bellairs and avoiding playing outside. He loves anything old, dusty and mysterious, which is probably why he majored in Classics in college. Since then, he’s worked as a staff reporter for The Associated Press, an urban planner and a yoga teacher. He is a founder of Beagle, a publishing collaborative, through which he’s published New to Cleveland: A Guide to (Re)Discovering the City and the upcoming Writing Without Hiding. He was a 2012 Creative Workforce Fellow and is working on a novel. Find him online at justinglanville.com.

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